Solution Overview

PrompTale provides a comprehensive solution to the challenges faced by traditional content creation platforms through its advanced AI capabilities, decentralized infrastructure, and supportive ecosystem for creators. This section details the innovative approaches PrompTale employs to revolutionize content creation and monetization.


PrompTale's AI engine, specialized in producing contents at a production-level, has trained its large language models (LLMs) from 1B web datasets, and is fine-tuned with production generated contents from webtoons, novels, and screenplays. PrompTale generates high-quality prompt-to-story, prompt-to-script, prompt-to-webtoon/comic, prompt-to-shorts/video, and with global patented advanced context awareness.

  • Image Generation: PrompTale is capable at generating images at the quality of leading content AI engines such as Midjourney and DALL-E. It also accepts more than 20 languages for global coverage.

  • Context Awareness: PrompTale is optimized for content creation with its context awareness. Context Awareness is the patented technology that creates content following the narrative in story/art. This ensures that creators produces consistent and reusable art styles, significantly enhancing productivity and creativity. The technology was recognized by world’s leading tech journal IEEE Access.

[컨텍스트 어웨어 장표 이미지]

PrompTale differentiates with DALL-E, Stable Diffusion and Midjourney by Consistency of a Narrative, or Context Awareness.

  • Prompt-to-Webtoon/Comics & Videos: Capable of generating comics in multiple artstyles, PrompTale's AI can create vivid, detailed visual contents This capability extends to various formats, ensuring versatility in content creation.

  • Scripts for Films and Dramas: The AI engine transforms stories into professional-grade scripts suitable for various media productions, including webtoons, web novels, short form videos, dramas, and movies. This feature provides a solid foundation for creating high-quality, narrative-driven content.

  • Professional Grade Contents Editing Capabilities: PrompTale provides editing capabilities tailored for production studios to meet the demands of professional content creation. Editing capabilities will continuously be enhanced to enhance contents viability.

  • Private, Personal AI Engine: IP Holders and Productions are will not sacrifice its IP value nor its artstyle to implement AI generation. PrompTale provides such creators with a customized AI engine trained in the IP and its artstyle which is independent from the general AI Engine for privacy and IP protection.

[프롬프테일 홈페이지 이미지] PrompTale as of July, 2024


PrompTale collaborates with leading producers who have created top global webtoons and dramas. This network ensures that the content generated by the platform is of high commercial viability and meets industry standards. Additionally, PrompTale's global publishing network facilitates the distribution of content to a wide audience, enhancing monetization opportunities for creators.

  • Collaboration with Top Producers: By working with renowned producers, PrompTale ensures that the content created on its platform is marketable and of high quality. These collaborations bring expertise and credibility to the platform, attracting more creators and consumers.

  • Extensive Reach: The global publishing network allows creators to distribute their content worldwide, reaching audiences in the US, UK, China, Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, India, and more. This extensive reach provides creators with more opportunities to monetize their work and gain international recognition.


PrompTale provides a sophisticated approach to ads where artificial intelligence is used to dynamically adjust product placements in advertisements based on evolving data and user interactions. This approach aims to enhance the relevance and impact of advertising efforts by ensuring that products are strategically placed to reach and engage target audiences effectively. PrompTale can place brand logos, products and other objects within a pre-produced content with its patented AI technology at an economic cost, for a specified time/language/and even user targets.

  • Product Placement Ads: Product Placement Ads is generally labor-intensive as you need to remake the pre-produced contents to include advertisement, which cost more than the revenue intake from ads. With PrompTale, advertisers can place product ads across various types of content, including comics, web novels, and short videos, targeted by language and scheduled for specific times by patented AI technology.

  • Adaptive Advertising: The technology allows for dynamic changes in product placements across all content types including videos/dramas, enhancing the effectiveness of ad campaigns. This adaptability ensures that ads remain relevant and engaging, maximizing the impact of advertising efforts on the platform.

  • Advertising and Commercial Use: The AI is also ideal for creating compelling ad content that aligns with the creator's vision. Its ability to generate targeted and visually appealing advertisements makes it a valuable tool for marketing purposes.

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PrompTale integrates a proactive mining system for federated learning, enhancing community engagement and improving AI model accuracy.

  • Collective Data Cycling: Community members are incentivized to compare AI Engines by testing other AI Engines and share the generated contents to PrompTale to get rewarded. This collective data cycle will provide a federated learning system to continuously enhance PrompTale AI.

  • Content Creation: With PrompTale, everyone's personal stories can become a content to share. PrompTale encourages everyone to prompt by providing incentives to create on PrompTale. As users experience how their stories transform into contents, more will be inclined to become creators themselves and their input will diversify PrompTale's learning.

  • Preference Data from Community Governance: From a single vote to the accumulated vote of the PrompTale governance, votes are also rewarded for sharing of their preference over contents. This data will also be utilized to train PrompTale and also to understand preferences by user group.


PrompTale's VPU Nodes are crucial for the platform's decentralized infrastructure provides significant benefits such as improved resource utilization, scalability, cost efficiency, and enhanced performance for demanding AI workloads. Also, VPUs lowers overall cost and which allows AI to become more affordable. Incentives are provided to participate in federated hashpower to achieve the advantages below.

  • Enhanced Resource Virtualization: Efficient utilization of GPU resources by dividing them into virtual partitions or containers. Each partition can be allocated to different AI tasks or users, ensuring that resources are effectively utilized without contention.

  • Parallel Processing and Multi-GPU Scaling: Accelerates AI computations by distributing tasks across multiple GPUs in parallel. This approach enhances processing speed and allows for scaling up computational power to handle larger datasets or more complex AI models.

  • Dynamic Resource Allocation and Elasticity: Provides flexibility to dynamically allocate GPU hashpower based on real-time demands and priorities. Resources can be scaled up or down in response to workload fluctuations, optimizing performance and resource utilization efficiency.

  • Higher Accessibility: Reduced costs make AI tools and services more financially accessible to individuals and organizations. This affordability enables broader adoption among diverse socioeconomic groups - possibly upto 50% of the population. This means that PrompTale will have access to upto 50% of world's stories & contents that are not available on other content AI engines.


Traditional IP copyright infrastructures are cumbersome for the most of the social, web posted contents created by creators. PrompTale provides a content launchpad & content trading system where contents are treated like IPs but in a RWA(Real World Asset) format. This will revolutionize how you can participate, own, and trade parts of contents.

  • IP Launchpad: Communities can vote and participate in content projects through a launchpad for contents & IPs. Early participation will provide access privileges to the IP as it evolves into interchangeable formats, from webtoons/comics, scripts, dramas & videos.

  • RWA Trading: PrompTale transforms non-liquid IP assets into tradeable and monetizable assets, providing creators with new opportunities to monetize their intellectual properties. The holders of RWA will receive its share from content revenues, which will also influence the value of the content.

Last updated