
$Tale Tokenomics

The $Tale token is the native utility token of the PrompTale ecosystem, designed to incentivize participation and drive growth. The total supply of $Tale tokens is fixed, ensuring scarcity and maintaining value over time.

Based on Total Supply at Genesis

Name : PrompTale AI

Ticker : Tale

Total Supply & Max Supply : 500,000,000

Public Launch Allocation (%) : 5,000,000 (1%)

Standard : ZKSync, Ethereum

Token Contract : At TGE

$Tale Token Allocation

The $Tale tokens will be distributed across different pools to ensure a fair and equitable distribution among various stakeholders. The allocation is as follows:

Note: TGE stands for Token Generation Event, which is the time when tokens become available for distribution.

Vesting Schedule

The vesting schedule for each pool is designed to incentivize long-term commitment and ensure a gradual release of tokens into the market. This approach helps to maintain price stability and prevent sudden fluctuations.

The detailed vesting schedule for each pool is outlined in the table above.

The PrompTale team is committed to ensuring a fair, transparent, and sustainable tokenomics model that benefits all stakeholders. By aligning incentives and promoting long-term engagement, we believe that the $Tale token will play a crucial role in the growth and success of the PrompTale ecosystem.

Last updated