Stake $Tale

Staking $Tale: Powering the PrompTaleAI Ecosystem and Earning Rewards

Staking $Tale tokens is a core component of the PrompTaleAI ecosystem, allowing users to contribute to the platform's security and stability while earning rewards. PrompTaleAI offers two distinct staking options: Flexible Staking and Lockup Staking, each with its own advantages and features.

Total Value Locked (TVL) and Staking Metrics

PrompTaleAI provides transparent and real-time staking metrics to showcase the health and engagement of the staking ecosystem. These metrics include:

  • Total $Tale Locked: The total number of $Tale tokens currently staked across both Flexible and Lockup Staking pools.

  • Percent $Tale Locked: The percentage of the circulating $Tale supply that is currently locked in staking.

  • Total ve$Tale: The total amount of ve$Tale tokens issued, representing voting power in PrompTaleAI's governance system.

  • Global Average Lock Time: The average duration for which $Tale tokens are locked in the Lockup Staking pool.

These metrics offer valuable insights into the overall participation and commitment of the community towards the PrompTaleAI project.

Flexible Staking

Flexible Staking allows users to stake their $Tale tokens without any lockup period. This option provides maximum flexibility, allowing users to unstake their tokens at any time. The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Flexible Staking is dynamic and adjusts in real-time based on the Total $Tale Locked. As more tokens are staked, the APR decreases, and vice versa.

Lockup Staking

Lockup Staking requires users to lock their $Tale tokens for a predetermined period of either 60, 120, or 360 days. In return for their commitment, users receive a fixed APR that remains constant throughout the lockup period. However, they cannot unstake their tokens until the lockup period expires.

Early Unstaking Penalty: If a user chooses to unstake their $Tale tokens before the lockup period ends, all accumulated staking rewards will be forfeited. Additionally, a processing period of 2-5 days is required to complete the unstaking and return the tokens to the user's wallet.

ve$Tale Token Issuance and Governance: Lockup Staking participants also receive ve$Tale tokens, which represent voting power in PrompTaleAI's governance system. The amount of ve$Tale received is proportional to the amount of $Tale staked and the lockup period duration. A snapshot of staked $Tale tokens is taken on the 5th of each month, and ve$Tale tokens are airdropped accordingly. Unused ve$Tale tokens are burned at the end of each month.

Staking Rewards and Governance Participation

Both Flexible and Lockup Staking contribute to the security and stability of the PrompTaleAI network. By staking their $Tale tokens, users help to secure the network, validate transactions, and participate in consensus mechanisms. In return, they are rewarded with additional $Tale tokens and, in the case of Lockup Staking, ve$Tale tokens for governance participation.

PrompTaleAI's staking mechanism is designed to incentivize long-term participation and align the interests of all stakeholders. By staking $Tale tokens, users not only earn rewards but also actively contribute to the growth and development of the PrompTaleAI ecosystem.

Last updated