
Governance: Empowering the PrompTaleAI Community

PrompTaleAI is committed to fostering a decentralized and community-driven ecosystem. Our governance model is designed to empower $Tale token holders to actively participate in shaping the platform's future direction and decision-making processes.

PrompTaleAI Governance

The PrompTaleAI DAO is the primary governing body focused on the commercialization of IP assets by voting on launchpad and onboarding RWA trading.

Key Responsibilities

  • IP Asset Selection: The PrompTale Produce DAO is responsible for selecting which IP assets created by content creators and the PrompTaleAI team will be listed on the IP marketplace for trading.

  • Fan Voting: The DAO utilizes a fan voting mechanism to gauge the popularity and potential commercial viability of different content pieces through the launchpad. This feedback is used to inform IP asset selection and prioritization.

  • Commercialization Funding: The governance participates in discussions and decisions regarding the commercialization of IP assets by support of funds required for collaborating with top productions, including publishing, licensing, merchandising, and other revenue-generating opportunities.

Membership and Participation

Membership in the PrompTale governance is open to all $Tale token holders. However, voting power is determined by the amount of $Tale tokens held and the user's engagement level with the platform. This ensures that those who are most invested in the platform's success have a greater say in its direction.

ve$Tale: The Key to Governance Participation

ve$Tale tokens are the cornerstone of PrompTaleAI's governance system. These non-transferable tokens are obtained by locking $Tale tokens in the Lockup Staking pool. The amount of ve$Tale received is proportional to the amount of $Tale staked and the duration of the lockup period.

ve$Tale tokens grant holders the following rights:

  • Voting Power: ve$Tale holders can vote on proposals submitted by the community or the PrompTaleAI team.

  • Proposal Submission: ve$Tale holders can submit proposals for consideration by the community.

  • Delegate Voting Power: ve$Tale holders can delegate their voting power to other community members they trust.

Proposal and Voting Process

PrompTaleAI's governance process follows a transparent and structured approach:

  1. Proposal Submission: Any ve$Tale holder can submit a proposal for consideration by the community. Proposals must meet certain criteria, such as clarity, relevance, and feasibility.

  2. Discussion and Debate: The community engages in open discussions and debates on the merits of each proposal. This allows for diverse perspectives and ensures that all aspects of a proposal are thoroughly considered.

  3. Voting Period: A voting period is initiated, during which ve$Tale holders can cast their votes on each proposal. The voting period typically lasts for a predetermined duration, allowing ample time for participation.

  4. Results and Implementation: The results of the vote are tallied, and if a proposal receives the required quorum and majority support, it is implemented by the PrompTaleAI team.

Delegate Voting

To encourage broader participation and ensure that all voices are heard, PrompTaleAI allows ve$Tale holders to delegate their voting power to other community members. This enables those who may not have the time or expertise to actively engage in every proposal to still have their interests represented.

Delegating Voting Power in the PrompTaleAI DAO

Delegating your voting power in the PrompTaleAI DAO allows you to participate in governance even if you don't have the time or expertise to actively engage in every proposal. By delegating, you entrust your voting power to a trusted community member who will vote on your behalf according to your shared interests and values.

How to Delegate Your Voting Power:

  1. Acquire ve$Tale Tokens: To delegate your voting power, you must first acquire ve$Tale tokens by locking your $Tale tokens in the Lockup Staking pool. The amount of ve$Tale you receive is proportional to the amount of $Tale staked and the duration of the lockup.

  2. Choose a Delegate: Research and identify a delegate whose views and values align with yours. Consider their track record, expertise, and engagement within the community. You can find a list of potential delegates on the PrompTaleAI DAO platform or through community channels.

  3. Initiate Delegation: On the PrompTaleAI DAO platform, navigate to the "Governance" section and select "Delegate." Enter the wallet address of your chosen delegate and the amount of ve$Tale you wish to delegate.

  4. Confirm Delegation: Review the details of your delegation and confirm the transaction. Your ve$Tale tokens will be locked for the duration of the delegation period, and your voting power will be transferred to your chosen delegate.

  5. Monitor and Revoke (Optional): You can monitor your delegate's voting activity and revoke your delegation at any time if you are dissatisfied with their performance or if your views diverge.

Benefits of Delegating:

  • Increased Participation: Delegation allows more community members to participate in governance, even if they don't have the time or expertise to actively engage in every proposal.

  • Empowerment of Experts: Delegation empowers community members with expertise and experience to represent the interests of others, leading to more informed and effective decision-making.

  • Decentralization: By distributing voting power among multiple delegates, PrompTaleAI DAO ensures a more decentralized and democratic governance process.

Choosing a Delegate:

When selecting a delegate, consider the following factors:

  • Track Record: Has the delegate demonstrated a history of responsible and informed voting?

  • Expertise: Does the delegate possess the knowledge and experience relevant to the proposals they will be voting on?

  • Engagement: Is the delegate actively involved in the PrompTaleAI community and responsive to feedback?

  • Transparency: Does the delegate communicate their voting rationale and decision-making process clearly?

  • Alignment: Do the delegate's views and values align with your own?

By carefully considering these factors, you can choose a delegate who will effectively represent your interests and contribute to the overall success of the PrompTaleAI DAO.

Becoming a Delegate

PrompTaleAI welcomes community members who are passionate about the platform's future to become delegates. Delegates play a crucial role in representing the interests of other ve$Tale holders, researching proposals, and educating the community on governance matters.

Continuous Improvement

PrompTale Governance is designed to be adaptable and evolve over time. The PrompTaleAI team is committed to listening to community feedback and incorporating suggestions for improvement. We believe that by empowering the community and fostering active participation, PrompTaleAI can build a truly decentralized and sustainable ecosystem.

Last updated